About me ..
After studies in Fine Art, it was the art of photo-storytelling that captured me. I suppose it was inevitable. A lover of art, books and photography, there were always stacks of scrapbooks and journals around. After I was gifted my first digital SLR camera I soon discovered the darkroom and the digital world of Lightroom. I loved to find the simple beauty and order of images. To find their narrative. To weave storytales without words, where unwritten pages became heard and memories were told, and retold.
It was for my baby niece’s first birthday that my first phototale went to print. The journey of her bump to first candle counting! I wanted her to know of the huge love and joy she brought; of a time that was so special to us. It’s a book that still comes out often and one that I hope might bring her smiles and wonder forevermore.
Education: BA Hons Degree in Fine Art